Saturday, October 3, 2020

Edit Your Website Php,Js,Jquery,Ajax Etc


I had done several php projects on different category ( School management, Inventory management , POS , Ecommerce , Blogs , Event management etc ) . I am expert in php language and able to complete php project efficiently and effectly.

I will work with the following languages






My services for this gig:

- PHP Quick Fix
- PHP Script Customization
- PHP New Feature Add
- Javascript Error
- jQuery Scripts Error
- jQuery Plugins Error
- Database Error 
- Bad Request Error
- Not found Error

As a new seller on Fiverr, I am trying to provide my services on low price, quick delivery and I can ensure you a creative and quality work and make you happy :)

Note: This gig only for single task, if you have more then one task, you have to contact with me first.



Glad to be working with this man. He got involved in to task 100% and offered me custom tailor-made solution which solved my problem. Many Thanks!


Great work! Its always great to work with you!




Thanks again


Great service as always!

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