Saturday, September 19, 2020

Develop Your Angular Project


I have experience working with bakends such Laravel, Django and Node and angular for frontend and i can do following things for you:

    - Create angular application from scratch, modify existing angular application

    - Implement responsiveness with Bootstrap

    - Configure authentication and also apply lazy loading 

    - Create or integrate backend with Nodejs, Laravel or Django

    - Deploy application to your server

I can develop your project from scratch or modify your existent project.

My workflow starts with a mockup, then I built the backend and frontend.

I have experience working with Git

For Deployment purpose I use Nginx.

Note: Contact me for more clarification and guidance before ordering.  



Josh was a great resource who gets the work done, but need to improve on communications.


Great developer


It was very smooth and professional.


Was great working with Josh.


Great working with Josh

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