Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Make Your Web Page Responsive By Using Css Media Queries


Hi Guys,

I can make your we web page responsive 100% by CSS only by using media queries.

 What is in it for me?

  • UNIQUE: If you want your webpage to be unique, You should ask for someone who use media queries.
  • SPEED: Instead of using libraries and frameworks which will make you webpage too heavy, media queries will make your site so speed and lighter.

Why I should not use bootstrap grid system to make my webpage responsive?

As I said before bootstrap will make your webpage too heavy, bootstrap not only heavy but also depends on another libraries which will make your webpage heavier and heavier like jQuery and Popper.js.
Bootstrap will make your webpage like millions of other webpages and you will have nothing different, and nothing unique in your webpage.

Hit the order button to get your responsive unique webpage.

you contact me anytime before making order and I will be happy to assist you.



Excellent delivery, very knowledgeable.


Perfect work, I will never need any thing more


It's okay.

: :

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