Friday, May 29, 2020

Develop Or Fix PHP Html Css Javascript Jquery Mysql


Facing any bugs or errors? no worries, leave it to me! I will fix it from the root for you. My Expertness In:

  1. Php issues / Development (Codeigniter, Laravel, Wordpress, Php, Cakephp)
  2. Database Issues (MySQL)

  3. Html, CSS, Javascript, Jquery issues
  4. Responsive design.
  5. Payment Gateway Integration / Bug fixing
  6. Fix / Implement features in existing crm / script
  7. Api Integration

Please discuss all things first to know exact requirements, I will fix your Php related issues.
If your bug is not related to any above category, just inbox to me and I'll be happy to take a look at it.

★★ Contact me before you place order ★★




Very professionally and smartly delivered


nice worker, Good Experience in coding


Excellent like all jobs!


Seller is magic, Is an Amazing accomplish and provide you the best service never had before honestly if you have the chance to work with him you can trus him eyes closes it will deliver you the best result ever. Thank you for everything


Work Completed

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