Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dashboard Data Table Using PHP Mysql


Dear all,

I am a web developer. I have develop several applications like :

  1. Online Approval System (Ex : Voucher, Claim)
  2. Data Tracking (Ex : Invoice, Bank Draft, Refund or Finance related data)
  3. Email Data Notification
  4. Blog Management

Approval System and Data Tracking has been successfully delivered into 2 (two) big company in Malaysia.

All these application has been develop with dashboard admin & user panel. I have deep experienced to work with PHP, MySQL, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Big Data, WordPress, and Finance Users. 

Data could be comes from another system like SAP(Text Files), Microsoft Excel or CSV or input (key in) from users. Then I can transform into meaningful thru web dashboard reporting with table and graph.

If you need any kind or small or medium application then you can ask me. I am here serve you as per your requirements.

What you will get :

Dashboard & Inbox : Each user has their own access

User’s Role : Divided by job scope roles

CRUD Function : Full CRUD Function (Create / Read / Update / Delete)

Server side Data Table : Control by AJAX and JSON. 

Customization Database : Based on my idea & user requirements


Seller's Response:

fantastic job and ahead of schedule. will use again on the next project


Good job! Its what I need. Great working experience. Recommended!


Thank you. Please come again ;)

: :

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