Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Asp Net Mvc Core Webform Webapi Project


Welcome to ASP.NET CORE and ASP.NET MVC with Angular application and WEP API GIG!!!


I am a software developer with 3 years of experience in web application development bug fixes

and site maintenance 
My services

-E commerce development

-Classified portal development 

- Custom development

- Feature enhancement
- Application support, troubleshooting and bug fixes

- Enterprise application development

I am skilled in:
- Web development with C# and asp dot net mvc, asp.net core,web form,webapi

- Application testing and bug fixes

- Web REST API development and Identity Server 

- Microsoft Sql Server My Sql Server

- Ado.NET, Entity framework

- Windows server,Linux Server
- Windows forms and WPF

- Paypal Stripe Authorize.net and 2checkout integration

I will deliver your product on time, using software engineering best practices.

100% buyer satisfaction is guaranteed.

I look forward to working with you



professional, nice, on time. thanks for your help.


fantastic as always. thanks


nice guy and very and I appreciate for this help.


very good experience, very nice.


this is second cooperation, Smooth communication, know each other, good skill. perfect.

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