Thursday, January 23, 2020

Give You A Countdown Timer Editor Software


Brand new ready to use software: Countdown Timerr

Countdown Timerr is a Web Application for configuring a countdown timer with a Scaricity Message and a easy Copy & Past code for installing it in your landing pages.

If you are promoting products, events or launching a limited offer, the use of scarcity elements is very important to increase your conversation rate.

A countdown timer with a scarcity message is an excelent element for pushing your visitors to the action. With Countdown Timerr you don't need programming knowledge. The Editor makes it easy for you in order to configure your countdown:

  • Customize Scarcity Message
  • Decreasing counter for simulating sales
  • Progress bar that raise up the scarcity message
  • Customize Start Time and Time Labels
  • Cookies feature
  • Action on Finished (hide or redirect to URL)

System requirements:

  • A Web Browser.

You don't need a server or any other system requirement in order to run the software. Just open the HTML file and you will be ready to use the editor.

The software includes a Manual instruction in PDF explaining the options and installation of the countdown in your website.

Please send me a message if you have any questions.



Fast delivery and fast at answering questions.


LIGHTNING FAST!! Thank so much for the delivery. it is exactly what I was looking for!! :)


Excellent. Seller solved a problem. I dislike WP. I design HTML pages and Seller understood.

: :

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