Monday, January 27, 2020

Create Amazing Visualforce Pages With Angularjs


I love AngularJS because…

One of the best way to make your Single Page Applications (SPAs) intuitive and fast is through AngularJS. You get lightning fast response times and your operations are performed on the client-side rather than having to make an AJAX call. Add to that a responsive UI and no need to write test classes for all the logic you perform, who will not become a life-long fan of AngularJS.

-I will create a table that fetches Account records from the org and display it on a table, which will feature predictive search and sorting on various columns of the table.

-It would be JavaScript-based framework use to build and deploy dynamic web-based applications.

-it would extensively use in client-side manipulations of the HTML pages. 

-it will support callouts to external web-services using the integrated REST APIs.

Note-If you need more information about AngularJS, Contact me before placing an order.



Sachin does good work

: : : :

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